3 Common Beginner Mistakes


1. Not lifting heavy enough

It’s ok to start light! But something a lot of beginners do is stay too light for too long. When you first walk into the gym, do some simple movements with light weight. But on your second week, go up in weight. Keep going up slightly each week.


Tip: Your weights should feel doable but also pretty challenging.


2. Not being aware of your body

It’s really easy to do an exercise and feel like you’re doing it right. But you won’t know if you can’t see yourself! Find a spot where you can do your exercise in front of a mirror, or set up your phone inconspicuously to record a set or two. When I first started barbell squatting I thought I squatted SO LOW and then I recorded it and it was….. not anywhere even close to what it felt like!


Tip: Do movements in front of a mirror record yourself to see how your form is.


3. Skipping the basics

You might see all sorts of stuff online about supplements, hacks, stuff to buy… Capitalism gonna capitalize. 99% of your progress is made with plain ol' hard work and rest.

Tip: Follow an exercise program, hydrate, eat enough food, and get enough sleep.


Hi, I'm Jess! I have been lifting since 2019 and am excited to share the joy of strength and growth with you!


I tried various different forms of exercises for years - I hated running, I liked kickboxing but the gym was too expensive, I found group classes to be overwhelming... one day I started lifting with a simple PDF program and my life has been changed forever!


In a world where we're constantly told to be smaller, it feels good to grow :-)